Comment (made by someone on this story): Media hysteria and the uneducated public, as usual. One lady says “Once a sex offender always a sex offender in my book.” Well, she needs another book.
Youtube Video – KRON 4’s J.R. Stone reports
Comment (made by someone on this story): Media hysteria and the uneducated public, as usual. One lady says “Once a sex offender always a sex offender in my book.” Well, she needs another book.
Youtube Video – KRON 4’s J.R. Stone reports
Instead of spending tax dollars on monitoring this guy’s every move every second they should spend it on these neighbors dental care. At least they would be using this money for something positive and practical.
They passed out 1500 fliers, he has a curfew and is on GPS? What about the released murderers or gang members living next door?
I had to except a misdemeanor and have to register for 10 years. Served my country 18 yrs and I’m treated like trash. I’ve never been accused of rape or ever touching a child. I’ve been turned down for jobs turned down by an insurance company. You can go out steal murder and they make a reality show about you that shows what a great guy or gal you are. Its a shame that this is happening.